FORIS AG complies with the latest respective version of the German Corporate Governance Code. Below you will find the current Declaration of Conformity for the Management Board and Supervisory Board pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) as well as the Declarations of Conformity for previous years. Any deviations from the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code are disclosed in accordance with the “comply and explain” principle.
The following content is only available in German.
If an internet link or path specified here is not available or not functional, all information will be made available in printed form free of charge. Please contact us in writing:
FORIS AG, Investor Relations, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 18-20, 53113 Bonn.
Company dates such as the publication of the annual report and the half-year financial report as well as the date of the Annual General Meeting can be found in our financial calendar. You can view and download the financial reports of previous years online.
We will provide you with all important information on the Annual General Meeting. Find out about the agenda and read explanations and reports. Of course, you can also inform yourself about the Annual General Meetings of the past years.
Litigation Funding
Shelf Companies
Investor Relations